The RevEntIQ Mission

In high-performing organizations, aligning individual roles with the larger mission is essential.

This alignment fosters purpose, job satisfaction, and success. However, the current objective-setting approach often falls short, as senior management dictates objectives without employee input.

The Need for Purpose

Purpose at work is vital. When employees understand how their tasks contribute to organizational goals, they feel connected and engaged. This connection boosts morale, productivity, and loyalty.

Traditional Objective Setting  

Traditionally, objective setting is top-down. Management sets goals and cascades them down, often ignoring employee insights and aspirations. This method can make employees feel like mere cogs, decreasing motivation and job satisfaction.

The Power of Inclusive Objective Setting  

Shifting to a two-way communication model for setting objectives involves employees in the process, aligning their goals with the organization's mission. 

Benefits of Employee Involvement  

  • 1. Enhanced Engagement and Motivation: Employees feel ownership and responsibility.
  • 2. Better Alignment with Personal Goals: Ensures personal goals align with the organizational mission.
  • 3. Improved Communication and Trust: Fosters open communication and builds trust.
  • 4. Increased Innovation and Problem-Solving : Taps into employee insights for innovative solutions.

Implementing Inclusive Objective Setting 

  • 1. Encourage Open Dialogue: Facilitate discussions between employees and managers. 
  • 2. Set Collaborative Goals : Work with employees to set meaningful, achievable goals. 
  • 3. Provide Support and Resources: Offer necessary support and tools. 
  • 4. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review and adjust objectives.  
  • 5. Recognize and Reward: Celebrate achievements and recognize contributions. 


Aligning individual roles with the organizational mission is crucial for purpose and job satisfaction. By adopting a collaborative objective-setting approach, organizations can enhance engagement, motivation, innovation, and communication, leading to greater success.”  

The RevEntIQ Mission

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Connecting Individual Roles to the Larger Organizational Goals