Consulting Services

Engage us or our partners to understand if your organization will benefit from adopting this solution and what the benefits could look like. Look at our Partner page for potential partners to choose from.

Implementation Services

Implementations are simple and easy and can be done in two ways.

Self Service Model

  • MySuccess team works with customer IT/HR team to do the initial configuration.
  • Using an in-built delegation methodology, the whole organization gets access in a controlled manner.
  • User trainings are done leveraging videos / virtual sessions.

Supported Model

  • MySuccess team works with the customer IT/HR team to do the initial configuration.
  • All user accounts are created through integrations with existing systems and users are given access in one go.
  • User trainings are conducted at all locations agreed in virtual or in room sessions.

Post Implementation Support

In case needed and agreed on, self-reporting capabilities for all users without the need to raise tickets. Reverse integrations with helpdesk systems / teams to ensure compliance with processes.

Provide long term support for all product bug fixes, upgrades and enhancements at no extra cost.

Work with your corporate helpdesk teams to resolve issues quickly to ensure user satisfaction

Our technology

Cloud ready

Built for cloud, this platform delivers industries leading best practices from technology standpoint.



Information security is paramount for all organizations today. Data encryption in motion and at rest built into the platform

You would rather trust your own information security processes; we can host this in your cloud environment



Platform built o auto scale. So if you are a 100 employees organization or 100,000 employees, system is designed to auto-scale to the needs of your organization.



Built with zero hard coding, this platform is designed to adapt to all models of organizations and enables the process towards business excellence irrespective of organizational complexity.

Integrate with existing systems