Become a partner for a platform which helps organizations and employees achieve strategic objectives successfully and consistently.

Current Partners

  • We are a HR Consulting company based in India providing Coaching, Learning and Consulting services to our clients. We are business professionals and leaders who deliver expertly-crafted results for our ambitious clients. We support our clients to navigate the business people challenges better through our unique offerings and have a transformational experience as they grow.

Partnering Models


Reseller Model

Partner is responsible for all licenses as well as the associated services to the end customer on your contract.

Your revenues include

  • Licensing revenues over the term of contract
  • Consulting, integration, configuration and implementation services

May require commitments on number of users per annum.


Partner Model

Partner is responsible for some of the associated services to the end customer on your contract.

Your revenues may include

  • Consulting, integration, configuration and implementation services depending on terms of agreement.

Partner Model

Partner is responsible for just introductions to potential clients.

Revenue Streams may include

  • One time Referral fee

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